This is not money. This is debt or legal tender for debt based monetary systems:
A little bit of hystory on the name of the BankNote:
In the past when one had wealth (AKA Gold) and did not want to keep it in hour house, or it was too heavy to weare it on your neck,
you had to go to a bank, deposit the gold there and you would receive a BankNote letting everyone know you have it and the bank
owning you the ammount of gold written on the BankNote.
Everything was fine, countryes owned gold, they went to war for it and so on. One day,
after 1971 when the US Dollar was the
world trade chosen currency, US decided to to switch from a value (Gold) based monetary system to a Debt based monetary
Keynesian system. Now, money is created by the banks when they loan someone money. Rearly is a small precent of reserve needed by the banks to make a loan.
As such, money becomes free to create, thus money has no intrinsic value, not even the effort to create them, so they will be devalued in time to not worth even the paper they are printed on.
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